Thursday, June 3, 2010

6 ways to save on Groceries

1) Coupons - duh. But no really, coupons are often underestimated in light of store brands and generics. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you shop the “discounted rack” and buy only store/generic brands that you’re getting the best deal. Using coupons on “brand name” items can often end up being cheaper than simply buying generic. In addition, if you’re extra-savvy, you can often score items for free or almost free with coupon and sale match-ups.

2) Make a List - don’t ever shop without a list! And stick to it. Prior to leaving the house for a shopping trip, I sit down and match up the items we need with any coupons we may have. I list them out in order of the departments and the store’s layout, and I accompany my coupons in the same order. We stick strictly to the list and only the list. No impulse purchases.

3) Limited Trips - limit the amount of times you head to the shopping center. The more you go, the more you will end up spending – or at least be tempted to spend, and ultimately end up spending. During our most frugal days, we would plan one monthly trip to Walmart and one monthly trip to Sam’s Club. Milk was the only thing we purchased on a regular, weekly basis, and we picked that up at the local gas station.

4) Shop Sales & Stock Up – when a great coupon becomes available, or a store is offering a fabulous sale, consult your monthly budget and stock up on the items that you are able to store and use. You may end up spending a tad more some months in order to save other months, which is why a month-by-month budget is so important. Keep in mind to only purchase what your immediate budget will allow – you can stock up over time, sales will come around again, coupons will be reset, and there is no use going beyond your means to save a few dollars.
5) Empty the Shelves - I recommend “eating from the pantry” at least one week each month. When you’re shopping sales, stocking up, and storing large quantities of food, it can quickly overwhelm your shelves. There is no use in this method unless you use what you purchase. Stop purchasing any new groceries for a week or two (on a regular basis) and use up what you already have. You’ll save money on your immediate grocery bill, as well as empty the shelves for more upcoming sales.

6) Do It Yourself - make your own! Everything from breads, purees, and sauces, to entire meals and side dishes – you can save money by making your own instead of buying pre-made or processed items from the store. Consider buying produce when it is at its peak and freezing some for use during the winter months. Commit to baking your own items such as breads, muffins, and freezable entrees once a month. Freeze what you are not able to use immediately. Don’t have a large freezer (we don’t)? Then try making these items once a week. Be sure to consider the overall cost of each item – often it is a lot cheaper to make your own, but a good idea to double check your store prices first.

Have your own great tip to saving money on your grocery bill?
Share the wealth!

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